Panel on Quantum Computing
2020年8月7日(五) 9:00~10:20
Quantum Computing in Algorithms
Dr. Zheng-Yao Su (蘇正耀博士)
NCHC (國家高速網路與計算中心)
In this brief talk, we will try to portray the very elementary theoretical background of quantum computation in terms of major quantum algorithms. Given this picture, we will further address the advantages and challenges ahead of applying quantum computers to tackling problems of high complexity.
Dr. Su is currently a research fellow at NCHC (National Center for High-performance Computing), NARL (National Applied Research Laboratories). He received his Ph.D. in computational physics from Caltech. Since joining NCHC in 1994, Dr. Su has been involved in or in charge of various research projects. In the period 2008-2012, he served as the Chair of the Division of Research and Applications. His research has been attracted to different mathematical subjects encountered in quantum computing. In particular, amongst other works, a mathematical structure universal to Lie algebras, termed QAP (Quotient Algebra Partition), is established. This structure manifests combinatorial traits and enables the algorithmic generating of Cartan decompositions over the algebras. A framework based on QAP is further introduced to assure fault tolerance encodes for every unitary action, i.e., a quantum gate, in every error-correcting code. Within the framework, it admits optimized operation compositions devised for a quantum computation in accord with diversified constraints exhibiting in implementations. These attempts may pave a way towards scalable fault tolerance computation that is compellingly demanded in large-scale quantum computers of practical purposes.
Silicon-Based Quantum Computing
Prof. Hsi-Sheng Goan (管希聖教授)
National Taiwan University (臺灣大學物理系)
Quantum computing is an entirely new paradigm of computation that promises to solve some of the most difficult problems that are currently intractable on classical supercomputers. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the development of silicon-based quantum computing, and its prospects and challenges for large-scale realization based on CMOS manufacturing.
Hsi-Sheng Goan received his Ph.D. degrees in Physics from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1999, He was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Queensland (1999-2001) and a senior research fellow awarded the Hewlett-Packard Fellowship at the Center for Quantum Computer Technology at the University of New South Wales, Sydney (2002-2004) before he took up a faculty position at National Taiwan University (NTU) in 2005. He is now a Professor of Physics at NTU working in the fields of Quantum Computing and Quantum Information, Quantum Control, Mesoscopic (Nano) Physics, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Optomechanical and Electromechanical Systems. Professor Goan is currently the principal investigator (PI) of the integrated project of “Silicon-Based Quantum Devices, Quantum Computing and Quantum Communication”, and the Co-PI of the project of “IBM Q Hub at NTU”, both funded by the MOST. Professor Goan has served as an Editor for several international journals, such as International Journal of Quantum Information, European Physical Journal: Quantum Technology, Chinese Journal of Physics, and Frontiers in ICT: Quantum Computing.
Cryo-CMOS Interface Circuits for Quantum Computing Applications
Mr. Hann-Huei Tsai (蔡瀚輝研究員/組長)
TSRI (台灣半導體研究中心, NARLabs)
A basic quantum computing system consists of two parts: a quantum processor (qubits) placed in the refrigerator (mK) and a traditional electronic controller. The current quantum computer transmits the qubit control and reading signals through the transmission lines between the measurement equipment in the room temperature laboratory and the refrigerator. If quantum computing system is to be scaled up, the control and measurement system must be monolithically integrated and placed close to the quantum processor. CMOS can work down to 30 mK while providing complex SoC integration capable of handling thousands or millions of qubits. This speech not only introduces the system block of the control and measurement circuits, and also overviews the challenges and opportunities in designing the cryo-CMOS interface circuits and system for quantum computing applications.
Hann-Huei Tsai received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, in 1992 and 1994, respectively. He had worked in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacture Company as a process integration engineer and section manager from 1996 to 2006. He joined NARLabs CIC from 2006 and focused on CMOS More than Moore technology including MEMS, biomedical sensor, mixed-signal, RF, high-voltage, GaN, and silicon photonics. He is now the research fellow and division director of heterogeneous chip integration division in TSRI. He has authored or co-authored over 50 papers and holds 18 patents.
Testing for Quantum Circuits
Prof. Chien-Mo Li (李建模教授)
National Taiwan University (臺灣大學電機系)
量子電路將來若要量產必須經過測試,但測試量子電路面臨很多挑戰: 第一量子電路的錯誤模型(fault model)和傳統電路完全不一樣。第二量子電路的測試向量(test pattern)要如何產生? 第三量子電路本身就具有機率性質,要測試幾次我們才有足夠的把握判斷量子電路是好還是壞?此次座談會李教授將與大家分享台灣大學在以上三個問題上的研究成果。
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Prof. Chen-Mou Cheng (鄭振牟教授)
Kanazawa University (金澤大學, 日本)
Public-key cryptography is facing a severe threat from the emergence of quantum computing. We do not know when large quantum computers will be built, but the changes to the cryptographic landscape will be dramatic. To mitigate this threat and continue providing information security in the era of quantum computing, cryptographers have been researching into alternative public-key cryptosystems that can resist quantum computer’s attack. Such study is generally referred to as the post-quantum cryptography, which I will introduce briefly.
Chen-Mou Cheng received his BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1996 and 1998, respectively, and his PhD in Computer Science from Harvard University in 2007. He joined the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University in 2020, where he is currently an Associate Professor. Before that, he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University between 2007 and 2020. His main research is in the area of cryptographic hardware and embedded systems (CHES).